
McGill law professors on strike! 

FAQ for Students

Why have professors at the Faculty of Law decided to form their own association and seek certification under Quebec’s Labour Code?

The right to organize and bargain collectively is an internationally recognized human right and is constitutionally guaranteed. The Supreme Court of Canada has made clear that that s. 2(d) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms “guarantees the right of employees to meaningfully associate in the pursuit of collective workplace goals (…). This guarantee includes a right to collective bargaining.”

The Quebec Labour Code provides in s. 3 that “Every employee has the right to belong to the association of employees of his choice, and to participate in the formation, activities and management of such association.” Professors at the Faculty of Law have decided to pursue our collective goals of securing beneficial working conditions by exercising our constitutional rights, given that the McGill Association of University Teachers (MAUT) is not certified under the Quebec Labour Code and therefore cannot engage in collective bargaining with the University.

Read the entire FAQ

Decision of the Tribunal administratif du travail on emergency request filed by AMPL


ACCUEILLE la demande d’ordonnance de sauvegarde pour valoir jusqu’à ce qu’une décision soit rendue sur le bien-fondé de la plainte; 

ORDONNE à l’Université McGill et à ses représentants de cesser toute forme d’entrave et de ne plus faire d’ingérence dans les affaires syndicales, et ce, d’aucune façon; 

ORDONNE à l’Université McGill et à ses représentants de cesser de communiquer directement avec les membres de l’Association of McGill Professors of Law (AMPL) / Association mcgillienne des professeur.e.s de droit (AMPD) des professeur.e.s de droit (AMPD) autrement qu’avec un compte rendu factuel et neutre; 

ORDONNE à l’Université McGill et à ses représentants de communiquer préalablement avec la requérante le contenu du texte avant toutes communications aux membres de l’Association of McGill Professors of Law (AMPL) / Association mcgillienne des professeur.e.s de droit (AMPD) des professeur.e.s de droit (AMPD) avec un délai raisonnable; 

ORDONNE à l’Université McGill et à ses représentants d’afficher la présente 

Read the entire decision

AMPL forced back on strike by McGill

MONTREAL, August 26, 2024 – On the very first day of the 2024-2025 academic year, McGill University today forced its law professors back on strike. After promising for over three months to meet with the Association of McGill Professors of Law (AMPL), McGill senior administrators reneged, refusing to engage in good-faith negotiations with its first faculty union.

The distance between the union’s and McGill’s bargaining positions is not major and could be addressed through a few days of solid negotiations. Nevertheless, McGill refuses to negotiate. Instead, McGill is seeking to decertify AMPL and is fighting off two other faculty unions, the Association of McGill Professors of Education, and the Association of McGill Professors of the Faculty of Arts.

Full text

Independent review finds that McGill’s pension plan is uncompetitive, arbitrary, and lacking in transparency.

See the press release for more details.

McGill’s Faculty of Law – Inspiring Legal leadership for global challenges

The Association of McGill Professors of Law (AMPL) is an association of tenured and tenure-track professors from McGill’s Faculty of Law. AMPL’s purpose is to strengthen our faculty’s ability to govern itself collectively, collegially, and independently, consistent with McGill’s Statutes and Senate Regulations, and with the security of Quebec’s collective bargaining regime and ultimately a collective agreement. Our members seek an effective voice to shape decisions concerning our distinctive teaching, research and service that affect our community of students, faculty, instructors, staff and alumni.

Solidarity Messages

Le Conseil fédéral de la Fédération québécoise des professeures et professeurs d’université, qui regroupe les représentant.es élu.es de l’ensemble des associations et syndicats membres de notre fédération, était réuni cette semaine à Montréal pour sa 113e assemblée. À l’occasion de celle-ci, les délégué.es ont adopté à l’unanimité la résolution que vous trouverez ci-jointe et par laquelle le Conseil fédéral affirme son appui le plus ferme aux collègues de l’Association mcgillienne des professeur.e.s de droit (AMPD) et exige que votre administration négocie de bonne foi avec l’AMPD.  Notre Fédération s’engage fermement à soutenir les collègues de l’AMDP autant et aussi longtemps que nécessaire dans ce sens.

Madeleine Pastinelli
President, Fédération québécoise des professeures et professeurs d’université

Download the resolution here:

The Sandy Cats – AMPL Taking the Stage at Skit Nite ’23

The Sandy Cats, a band including Profs. Janda, Anker, Farahat, Muniz Fraticelli, Fox-Decent, Zumbansen, and Boire, performed three songs to their raucous fans at Skit Nite 2023: La Renaissance. Held on March 15 at Club Soda, Skit Nite 2023: La Renaissance sold a record 500 tickets and raised over $10,000 for Chez Doris, a local women’s shelter.

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